Hourly Weather Forecast for Elliott Bay, Seattle, using Point Location feature at: https://marine.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=47.6037&lon=-122.3806&unit=0&lg=english&FcstType=graphical
Instructions for Creating a Marine “Point Location Forecast” - Shown in An Hourly Graph
*This method gives you a six-day forecast, but the weather is so changeable in the greater Seattle area that I don’t really trust any forecast farther than 24 hours out. However, you can pick up changing patterns (fronts moving in slower, faster, etc.) across the days if you keep checking in. Also note that although it says Hourly, the increments are really in 3-hour blocks.
OK – the instructions may be long, but they are easy. And once you have done this and named and saved your most important locations, you don’t have to do it again!
How to create a Point Location Hourly Forecast. You start at a Zone Forecast site – here is an example:
1. Google: “Zone Area Forecast for Puget Sound and Hood Canal”
2. Tap the top result: “Zone Area Forecast for Puget Sound and Hood Canal”
3. You will then be at the marine.weather.gov site
4. Scroll down to the picture of the map with the green highlighted area
5. Zoom in and move the map around until you see your desired location
6. Touch the screen and WAIT (it takes a few seconds to redraw the map)
7. Scroll down to see your selected location’s small green square
8. Now scroll down until you see the picture of the hourly weather graph
9. Tap on the picture
10. Select the parameters you are interested, e.g: wind, wind gusts, temperature, wave height, etc
11. Tap the button that says: “Submit”
12. Once you have the graph looking the way you want it, be sure to save it with a name you give it.
13. If you know how to create “Folders” on your device, make one that says “Wx Forecasts”, then put all your bookmarks inside in alphabetical order. Makes it easy to retrieve them.
14. If bookmarking is not your thing, send yourself an email with the URL (the address that shows up in the address line when you highlight it) copied and pasted into your message. To copy the URL, touch the ‘marine.weather.gov’ address line (changes to a very long address), touch that and select copy. Paste the URL into an email. Make the subject line of the email the name of your Point Location.